Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mark's Myspace Page

Yes, I did it. I created a myspace page at Mark's Myspace Screenwriting Page. If you're a screenwriter, filmmaker, or even just like movies check it out and link up with me. I think it's a fairly new way to make contacts and see what other artistic people are doing out there.


Anonymous said...

I have had one up for awhile and did a post about it as well

Mark said...

I remember that. I checked it out after your post and found it an interesting forum, and maybe a good way to make contacts.



Anonymous said...

I also put on up on (network network network) just as long as oneone doesn't get tired of reading my same post in three differnet forums and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

BTW I see you have Bobbi Billard added to your MySpace, I used to have her as an LJ pal years ago