Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Back in '97 I was "Lucid"

I completed my first spec screenplay called "Lucid" and registered it with the Writer's Guild of America. Before that I was writing short stories and hoping to write the great American novel. I had always been a big fan of movies, but had never tried writing a screenplay. Then I discovered Syd Field and found a few of his books on screenwriting, and I was off and running.

I remember I had gone to see "Scream 2". The series where all the characters are hip to pop culture and know horror movie cliches. When I got home I received my first request for "Lucid".

"Lucid" was a screenplay about a small time collector for the mob who finds a painting that opens a doorway to another realm. There's a little more to it, but that'll serve for now.

A few weeks back, I had queried several literary agencies that I found on the Writer's Guild website who were willing to take a look at new writers. So, I received my request and promptly sent out my screenplay.

And waited and waited and waited.

Then received the standard "not for us at this time" which in Hollywood speak means never. But I was new and green as grass and thought it was great to even have a screenplay requested. More on the transformation of "Lucid" later.

My question: Do you remember your first request? And how did you go about getting it?


Fun Joel said...

Thanks for the link, and welcome to the scribosphere!

Scott the Reader said...

Yeah, keep blogging...